Casting my net deeper

Christina Houston
on 7/29/2018 8:10:51 PM

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

When he finished teaching, he said to Simon, “Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.”

5-7 Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.” It was no sooner said than done—a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity. They waved to their partners in the other boat to come help them. They filled both boats, nearly swamping them with the catch.

8 Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell to his knees before Jesus. “Master, leave. I’m a sinner and can’t handle this holiness. Leave me to myself.”

Luke 5:4-8

I'm sure you've probably heard this story before. The story of Jesus gathering his disciples is one of the core stories we all grow up hearing in Sunday school. I personally grew up hearing this story at least once a year, but it wasn't until today when I was listing to the lead teacher of my Sunday school class tells this story that I really realized the significance, Maybe it's because this the first time I've heard the story as a christian or maybe it's because of my hyper focus on control that made me translate this story in a completely different way. What's a lot more likely is that God planned on me hearing this to give me that nudge that I've so been needing. In this story I’m Peter. Peter was frustrated that after fishing all night he kept coming up with nothing. He had tried and tried but still no fish. When Jesus told him to try again, I can imagine he turned around to roll his eyes before letting Jesus know that he had already tried that. Jesus knew he had tried that already he wasn't being a pest he was trying to prove a point. Peter had been trying to catch the fish with his own nets, his own, locations, and his own strength. Within seconds of him taking Jesus’s advice he caught enough fish that his net started to overflow. Peter responded just like I would. I’m sure he was a bit embarrassed hence his falling to the ground and proclaiming he was a sinner and not worthy of the saviors presence.

You see I'm about a month out from leaving for Honduras and I still need to raise some more money… a good chunk actually, and I would love to say that I’ve completely surrendered the process to God but in all honesty I haven't, its a daily thing. Everyday I have to remember to have my talk with God and say look I know that you got this help me see that too. I just need to remember just like Peter with the fish, my nets are only gonna come up full when God gives me the go.


Intro Christina Houston,
"Be Anxious For Nothing"-God Christina Houston,