A Year of Impact

Dear Beloved Family & Friends,



We want to say thank you. We are so grateful for you partnership in the ministry God has given us. You truly have a deep place in our hearts for all of your consistent prayer and generous financial support.


God has blessed us with a calling and He has gifted us to make his name known among the nations and to continue to make lasting impact in the world. We have seen God do that through us through Long-Term Missionary support as well as coming alongside locals to help them start a small business.  


We can’t help but realize how fortunate we are in this world to have so much opportunity freedom, and resources. Because of that, we feel so called to use these gifts to help our beloved brothers in sisters in the Lord realize they are not alone and God sees them. 


This year Emily and I had the ability to travel to Thailand & Vietnam to visit friends of ours who are serving long-term on the missions field. Lets say in short, our time with them was a blessing for us and a need for them. We were able to bring a renewed joy and support that we pray will help them continue to keep going in the midst of spiritual battle. We have such hope as we witnessed 75 Vietnamese people hear the gospel as they gathered for their first Thanksgiving meal. We were inspired to see the local church in Thailand rescue women one by one out of the sex trafficking/ bar industry.


We were blessed to to be able to give to support our brothers in sisters physical needs. One simple but profound story that will stay in our hearts forever looked like a pair of dress shoes for a young man named Cua. Cua is 27 and has a desire to be a Pastor and lead a church one day. Speaking 4 languages and growing up in a very pour family, we believe this gift of dress shoes affirmed his calling in ministry. In Vietnam dressing up for church is a must and having a pair of quality shoes shows honor and respect. This is just one simple story that allowed us to grasp the Kingdom of God and feel the Lord using us to bring hope to the nations. 


Emily and I have had a busy year, we have put so much time and effort into teaching and sharing about ministry in the the 10/40 window, mentoring high school and college students through our little ice cream shop, and creating ways to live like Paul - a tent maker out to share the gospel and encourage the believers around the world.


An encouragement for you is that we have been able to take a paycheck from the ice cream shop as it has grown, this allows us to use more funds for ministry specifically. Our needs have been met and we pray and continue to believe that God is our provider. This year, we will be working diligently to cover our own needs and any funds specifically given to us, will be passed directly to those working in the 10/40 window amounts unreached people groups.


We realize that many of you have journeyed with us for a couple years now, giving faithfully and prayerfully considering us. We want to let you know, if you feel led to give your financial seed elsewhere, we want to give you the freedom to do so. We also know that if you continue to support us, we will be faithful to the mission God has placed on our hearts:


To Glorify God by bringing Kingdom (The Good News) to the nations through discipleship and generosity. 


We sincerely thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Stay rooted (Psalms 1) beloved church for you will receive your reward if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9-10)




Andrew & Emily 




"Love your neighbor as yourself" Andrew & Emily Hershey,