***Blog originally posted (8/12/2021)***
Quick update- My squad and I are flying to Romania TODAY! ( August 12, 2021) We have been in Gainesville, GA for 5 days of additional training before we head out to our first country. It has been amazing to reconnect with my squad and I am so excited to be doing life with these awesome Kingdom seekers.
Lately, I have been reading the book of Acts and I have been challenged by the response of the disciples directly after Jesus ascended into heaven. I’d imagine that their lives had drastically experienced change in their circumstances, ideas, and plans after just witnessing the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Their lives had been turned upside down. Yet, their responses, again and again, throughout the book of Acts is to be devoted to prayer.
In Acts 1: 14 says “All of these [disciples] with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer”
And Acts 2: 42-43 describes the first community of followers of Jesus by saying that they “devoted themselves to the apostles teachings and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and of prayer”
Later on in Acts 6:4 it says yet again that the disciples said “we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word”
Throughout the Bible it references prayer and how we should be “faithful in prayer” and how the prayers of the righteous are “powerful and effective” (Romans 12:12 & James 5:16) Jesus said in Matthew 21:13, “My house shall be called a house of prayer”.
I know the power of prayer and I want this to be our foundation. Our foundation as a squad to be devoted in prayer and to be of “one accord”. God allows us to partner with him in prayer and I pray that we will be a community of believers who beseech the heart of the Father for what He wills on earth and in our specific situations.
Thank you all for partnering with me in this adventure! Whether you are family, friends, people who have supported me along the way, or are just following along-- will you pray for us? Would you commit to praying once a week or once a month that we would be believers in one accord submitted to the Holy Spirit? Thank you all for following along!
Here are some prayer ideas with scriptures to pray for us during our first month :)
I will be making a WhatsApp prayer group chat for specific ways you can be praying for our squad in the future. If you would like to be added send me a WhatApp message.
Much love,