***Blog posted on (9/10/2022)***
11 Months!
At the end of June I returned back to America after spending 11 months on the World Race. My squad spent 1 week debriefing in Gainesville on what the Lord had done in these 11 months we were together. The Lord worked in so many ways teaching us about who He is and leading us into greater trust and obedience to Him. He walked us through the beautiful and the difficult and we grew together as a M-Squad family.
Here is a poem that I wrote about what the Lord was teaching me specifically in each country that I went to. While I was in each country, I asked the Lord for a specific word for the month of what He wanted to teach me during our time in that country. Here is a little bit of what the Lord was teaching me during this time.
A nation with red roofs and sunflowers.
Aware of your steady and faithful hand that even let us enter the country.
Your provision got us through.
Covid, “It’s a set up, not a setback” you say.
Steadfast-- my word I am holding onto. A pause, not yet.
Praying and Beholding you and remaining steadfast with a sudden quarantine.
Steadfast- a reminder of your faithfulness in the triumphs and the trials and knowing there is always a reason to praise.
A groundwork of prayer establishes the foundation, hitting the ground running with Youth, Muslim, and Women’s events.
Traveling…slipping and falling, a concussion in Bucharest…but still steadfast.
In the unexpected, in the unknown, you’re so faithful.
Albania- Direction
I can only be steadfast because you are steadfast.
Led to Shkodër, stumbling upon Cornerstone Church, finding deep connections.
A month of checking off all of the things you had spoken, were all reminders of how you lead.
You are trustworthy and give me direction when the time is ready.
Kosovo- First Love
“Don’t abandon the love you had at first”. Remember your first love.
An invitation to sit at your feet being first and foremost a daughter captivated by her Papa, not focusing on doing before simply being known and loved.
Praise is a weapon in a city of division.
Praise and prayer breaks down the strongholds of depression, division, and death over this city.
In a heavy environment, praise became our weapon.
Ukraine- Presence and Perseverance
Beholding you as the Great Shepherd.
When it doesn’t make sense,
When I don’t have the answers to the questions I seek- You are my Guide.
You are my Shepherd.
O Let me be a Seeker of your presence over the answers.
Your presence over the pressures
Your presence over my future dreams
Perseverance- You are faithful to my heart in the midst of the waiting.
Doubting the way you led brought me to surrendering my future and trusting that you are the Solid Rock, the Firm Foundation, the Great Shepherd.
Jordan-Redeemed and Refined
All of my senses awake with the smells of spices, Arab coffee, dust, smoke, and car exhaust.
Sounds of cars honking, gas trucks driving, compared with the silence of Wadi Rum.
Seeing the places where You walked
Touching the salty water as I float on the Dead Sea, and tasting the delicious shawarma, hummus, and falafel.
You walk me through the seasons of Refining until I look more and more like you.
“For from the rising of the sun to its setting your name will be great among the nations”
Turkey- Flourishing
I can flourish because of your freedom.
Freedom from lies and wounds by allowing you to speak Truth and Identity to the areas of pain.
Hearing your words speak deep truths about who I am and who you have called me to be, brings me freedom and healing.
Hearing and Receiving your affection, attention, and affirmation as a Father gives his daughter.
Freedom from fear and the shame of who I am not.
I say yes to you from the place of knowing my identity first.
The words you speak over me are healing.
You spoke of the power of the blood.
Your blood that you shed so that I can be free.
So that I can flourish.
Georgia- Anointed Authority
One step in front of the other saying yes to what you have promised.
Through it all you are King over the earth. You are worthy of my praise.
So I say “Yes Lord”.
You have my trust and my obedience. Surrender in exchange for more.
This, your crazy design to use imperfect, broken things to reflect the greatest beauty.
What a conundrum.
The King of Glory anoints and gives authority to those who acknowledge their own weakness.
Surrender allows partnership.
A commission to bring the anointing and authority to others. The table is ready, the feast is prepared and there are seats ready and open for all to come.
Armenia- Proclaim
Fun, Laughter, Family
Proclaiming is a lifestyle with words and actions
Learning the impact we can have on people
Resting in the confidence of knowing you hold my future in your hands.
Romania- Round 2- Remember
Returning to the familiar- an invitation to remember
Remembering the truths of what you have said.
Remembering your faithfulness through it all.
Remembering your leadership.
Remembering you as the Deliverer- The One who brought the Israelites out of slavery and are still doing the same- bringing Sons and Daughters out of slavery- led by the cloud by day and the fire by night.
Egypt- Breathe
Pause, breathe, take it all in.
Breathe deep remembering that you are the supplier of every single breath.
You are the author of life-
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”
United States- Safe
A Return
Transitions, Dreaming of what is next
Telling me that I am Safe.
I am Safe in your love.
I am safe in your arms.
I am fully submerged
I am fully submerged
I am caught up in the overflow
Just you and me,
This melody,
Part of our eternal story.
I am currently in Gainesville, GA for training camp for J-SQUAD!!!
I will be returning out again to lead a group of 17-20 year old racers to Guatemala, Romania, Eswatini, and South Africa. I have been in Georgia for 1 month doing training and equipping and it has been really cool to see what the Lord is starting to do in the next 9 months together as a squad! I am stoked to be a part of this squad and honored by the opportunity to go out with them! Would you pray for wisdom and guidance for our leadership team and that we would walk in deep love and unity for each other and those around us!
** I would love to hear from you and hear about what is going on in your life and how I can be praying for you! Would you send me your email so that I can hear from you and stay connected that way too? I will also be sending out prayer requests and other news via email as well so make sure that I have your email if you would like to stay updated that way! I will still be using my Blog to testify of what the Lord is doing as well!
Thank you so much for your prayers, encouragement, and support!
Elizabeth Kelley
+1 (530) 710-4395