Goodness of God

Reynaldo Martell
on 10/1/2022 2:16:09 PM

*Repost from old blog 3/8/2021

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I wrote my last blog. I’ve been seeing God do so much these last few months. He has just been providing so much. I started fundraising for the World Race right around Thanksgiving. It's been about three and a half months since then and I have just over $1,300 left to fundraise. Every time I’m fundraising I’m just so dumbfounded that it's actually working. It doesn’t feel like it should be working. If anything, every time I reach out to someone for fundraising I feel like I’m doing something wrong, that I am not being as effective or authentic as I should be. Yet God still provides, and I thank you guys for supporting me through this. As I wrote in my last blog, I’ve been struggling with relationships. While it has been slow I have seen God move these last few weeks in that. I’ve seen God move in so many other areas of my life as well.

In all these things that God has been doing these last few months, I’ve found myself asking why. Why God do you do all these things for me? I know I don’t deserve it. How many times just in these last few months have I sinned against God? How often have I pushed off doing things like fundraising “until tomorrow” these last few months? But despite what I do, or don’t do, God still provides. He does this out of the love He has for us. Now, I’m not trying to preach any prosperity gospel here by saying that God is going to provide everything you want no matter what you do. Because He won’t; He definitely will not. He has asked me to give up so many things, but that has always been for the best anyway. But God will provide all that you need and that’s what He has been doing for me with the examples that I gave above. He knows I need money to go on the World Race—He was the one who called me to go. He has been working in my relationships because He knows that we are not meant to do life alone. 

One of the best examples of this in scripture is Matthew 6:25-34 which is all about being worried about our needs. For those who know me, they’ll know I’m worried a lot. I’m not going to put that whole section down here, but I will put v. 31-33 which says:

31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Did you catch that last verse? See first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Maybe it’s just that I’ve gotten better at noticing it the closer I’ve gotten with God but the more I seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness instead of my own, the more he has been providing for me and my needs. I know that God doesn’t do any of this because I deserve it as I said earlier. He does everything that He does out of His immense love for us.

While I don’t at all feel prepared or qualified to do it I’m so excited, and admittedly terrified, to share Jesus with people all over the world. To tell them about a good God who gave his Son so that we could have life, a gift that dwarfs all other things. And while I don’t feel prepared or qualified for the World Race, since when does God use the prepared or qualified?

Struggles of Relationships Reynaldo Martell,
Fully Funded!!! Reynaldo Martell,