Quarantine Ministry

Reynaldo Martell
on 10/1/2022 2:35:41 PM

*Repost from old blog 9/2/2021

As I said in one of my previous blogs (which you can read here) a lot of people on my squad got covid immediately as we got to Romania. I didn’t get it so I and the 9 others who were healthy had to still isolate for 14 days as best we can from the rest of our squad while still living in the same building. We all had no symptoms and on the 14th day, we were going to get tested for covid again to see if we were good to be free. That day I woke up with a bit of a sore throat but I told myself I was imagining it out of worry about getting tested later that day. But when the 10 of us got tested 5 of us came back negative and 5 of us came back positive. I, of course, came back positive. So I’m writing this right now while still in quarantine on day 20 out of at least 24, assuming I’m healthy enough to leave September 6th. Prayer for that, please.

I think almost everyone has had to quarantine at least once in the last year and a half. And you know how painfully boring it can be. I wouldn’t necessarily say the same here. I’ve been around other people the entire time even if we aren’t talking. I feel like I could have spent more time getting to know them but I think we’re doing better at that now. Also, we were still given ministry to do. Which if I’m being honest I haven’t been doing that much. Thinking that we were just being given things to do just to do it. But no, we were reminded that just because you are stuck somewhere doesn’t mean God can’t use you. We were told to look at Paul. He wrote a lot of his letters from the inside of a jail cell. And that stuff is Scripture. 

So yesterday and today I’ve been spending more time in prayer. Prayer over the city of Craiova, the rest of my squad, who are free to go out when they interact with people, that it will be done completely from the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer over the church we are partnering with is going to still be there well after we leave in a week and a half on the 13th, I think. 

Honestly, part of me was relieved that I tested positive for covid. Because that means I could push off going out and evangelizing which really scares me. Even though I came in well aware that’s what I signed up for. My squad was encouraging me yesterday, and I’ve been praying for myself for the Lord to change my heart. Not to get rid of the fear of talking to people about Jesus but for the Lord to use that weakness. For everything, I say to come not from myself but from the Holy Spirit. 

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Between the encouragement and the prayer for the Lord to change my heart and use me just yesterday and today I’m not as afraid. It’s been replaced with the joy of the Lord. I get to enjoy spending at least a few more days doing ministry by praying in quarantine before I can join the rest of my squad going out and talking to people. I’ll screw up, get mocked, possibly threatened but it will all be for the Lord! I’m honestly happy my quarantine got extended. It has allowed God to transform my heart and prepare me for going out.

I challenge everyone reading this to be vulnerable with others, to realize the power of prayer, and to ask God to change you. It’s the combination of those three things that allowed me to get to this point.

Keys for the Journey Reynaldo Martell,
Hope Church Romania Reynaldo Martell,