Hearing God pt.1

Reynaldo Martell
on 10/1/2022 2:44:07 PM

*Repost from old blog 9/29/2021

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to hearing the voice of God. This is why I am making this a two-part blog. Not that two blogs are anywhere near enough to share how you can hear God. This is why people write entire books about this topic and those aren’t even exhaustive because God is too big for us to comprehend.

I want to start this off by saying that YOU can hear God talking to you and that He WANTS to talk to you. He wants to have a personal relationship with every single person reading this blog. A part of having that personal relationship is learning to hear God talk to you. It’s not just a one-way streak of praying what you want or need. But I also want to share that while I’m writing about how to hear God, I’m not an expert in this. There are a lot of times where I think I hear God talking and find out it wasn’t Him. That’s ok it just makes it easier to distinguish His voice next time. 

God can talk to you in a lot of different ways and a lot of times will use more than one to tell you something. The way He speaks to every single believer is through His Word. 

“All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 NIV

The basis for everything God wants to say to you is found right there. The Word tells you what God wants. The more you know His word the better you’ll be able to hear the voice of God. Oftentimes the Holy Spirit puts a verse in my head for a specific situation or to give to a specific person. This is the most important way to hear God and if He gave us nothing else this would be enough.

One of the most common ways that people hear God is through something like a tug on your heart. For example, you see someone and you feel a tug on your heart and feel that you need to go and talk to them or give them something. This is one I experience a lot and for me can be one of the easiest to ignore if I let myself. Dismissing it as myself and not as God. But when you are obedient to God and listen to those tugs on your heart or butterflies in your stomach or whatever else you feel, God can use you in amazing ways. But I’m not saying that every time you have those feelings it is God. Feelings are a bad foundation to hear God. Even if you aren’t feeling anything it does not mean God isn’t talking to you.

This is part one of the blog about hearing God. I’ll post the next blog in a few days. Please take all that I write here to Scripture and see if it lines up with that and not just accept or deny it.

Roma Village Ministry Reynaldo Martell,
Hearing God pt. 2 Reynaldo Martell,