*Repost from old blog 10/26/2021
Comfort is something that we Americans fight so hard to have. For life to be easy and not have to worry about anything. We do so much to avoid the uncomfortable things in life. Comfort in and of itself isn’t a bad thing. Comfort for periods of time is what people need. However, no growth ever happens in comfortable situations. I don’t even have to give you a Bible verse on that, just google quotes on comfort and you’ll see quotes by secular people saying that no growth ever happens in your comfort zone. But I’ll give you a Bible verse about it anyway, this is when Jesus sends the 12 disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven:
“Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts- no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep.” Matthew 10:9-10
I doubt that the disciples were comfortable being told to travel from village to village with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs. They had to trust Jesus that they were going to be taken care of, that they would be provided with clothes, food, water, and a place to stay. In their faith in Jesus they had all their needs provided, they told the people to repent, they cast out demons and healed the sick. (Mark 6:12-13)
The world race is a big step outside my comfort zone, and it is for most people who do it. I leave my comfortable living in the U.S. leaving: consistent hot showers, sometimes washing machines and definitely dryers, my bed, inconsistent wi-fi. While I haven’t gotten to that point yet I might have to live in a tent at some point in these 11 months and have to take bucket showers. Also leaving the comfortability of knowing how the world around me works because I’m now in a different culture.
But in losing all these comforts I have been able to see more of Jesus. My focus has been more on Him. Being on the other side of the world with Him has put me in so many uncomfortable situations like being told to share the gospel with someone right then and there, getting in the car of someone you don’t know and who doesn’t speak English. But in all the uncomfortable situations I’ve had, it has given me the opportunity to at least pray and depend more on Jesus to care for my needs. These situations have also slowly but surely made me bolder in the way I talk and with more of the authority that God has given me. Also, it has increased my love for the people I see. Being uncomfortable around some of the local people but praying that their hearts would be softened and open to Jesus. Which in turn has made me care more for the people that made me uncomfortable in the first place.
I GET to sacrifice the comforts I have living back home to further the Kingdom of God.
How can you get out of your comfort zone and further the Kingdom of God and better meet Jesus?