Gingerbread! 12/20/2020

Greg and Michelle Mullins
on 10/11/2022 9:37:00 PM

We had a great time last week making family memories while baking gingerbread.  We are really grateful for this time together and our new house is feeling more like home each day.  Moving back to the U.S. this year has been quite a change, but we are enjoying our time with all four of us under one roof again.  As I reflect on the gingerbread process, I wanted to share a few thoughts and some tips on what may be needed for success.

Plan: Some things may require research. Landon and Lane did not want a gingerbread house kit, they wanted to make the gingerbread from scratch. It required looking up recipes and cutting out the dimensions of every piece prior to baking.

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Support: Sometimes we just need a helping hand. As walls and roofs are being assembled with icing, it helps to have a partner than can help you hold your pieces until you can get it all together.

Reinforcement: I did not imagine a drill in the list of things needed to build a gingerbread house; however, when the roof is sliding off because there is not enough support, you may need to drill a small hole and insert a toothpick for reinforcement.


Rest: After some assembly, you may just need to take a break. The icing needs to harden and seal with the gingerbread to provide a cohesive structure. In life, we must step back sometimes and take a break.

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Disappointments: Even with a plan, life does not turn out the way we thought most of the time. During the baking process, several walls cracked.  Back to research. Turns out, melted sugar can act as a glue and the walls were able to be repaired before construction. Life throws us curve balls sometimes, but we have to learn to adapt.

If you are looking for a plan, God’s Word is the guide and the more we study, the more we know Him and His plan. Psalm 1:2

If you need support or reinforcement, God is with you. Matthew 28:20

If you need rest, God can give you rest. Matthew 11:28

If you are facing disappointment, God works all things for His glory. Unknowingly, you could be a blessing to others as you walk through the disappointment or you may be surprised at the blessings that are right around the corner. Romans 8:28

There were some intense moments during this process and we were reminded not to take life too seriously. The gingerbread is going to end up in the garbage as is most every material possession we have.

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Even though we are not building a gingerbread house together, we appreciate you as supporters and we are humbled to be on this journey together.  We make a great team as we strive to invest in things that are eternal.

We are so very thankful for everyone who partners with us in the Lord's ministry, serving the orphans and widows of Eswatini. It amazes us to see how God continues to use each of you to further His Kingdom. Thank you for being a vital part of what God is doing in Eswatini through your continued prayers and your financial gifts. If you would like to make a donation, simply click donate on the left side of this blog.  It is only because of your faithfulness that this ministry is able to invest in nearly 100 local staff members through continued training and coaching. Through local staff members there is an average of 7,000 children and young adults fed physically and spiritually every day, and we as a team are able to play a part.  Please pray that God continues to lead us in 2021 to serve this beautiful country.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours!

Greg, Michelle, Landon and Lane

Different location. Different roles. Same ministry. Same goal. 9/9/2020 Greg and Michelle Mullins,
Full Circle 3/14/2021 Greg and Michelle Mullins,