Greg and Michelle's Stories

Greg and Michelle Mullins

Please Don't Send Me To Africa...8/30/2013

Below is the chorus of a song that I used to listen to as a teenager driving around in my Ford Mustang.  I was amazed that I could find the lyrics to this song after 20 + years, but I am convinced you can find just about anything on the internet. "Please don't send me to Africa  I don't think I've got what it takes  I'm just a man,I'm not a Tarzan  Don't like lions, gorillas or snakes  I'll serve you here in s...

Greg and Michelle Mullins

Letting Go 8/24/2013

As I sealed the envelope, my heart sank.  I had just signed our close letter that requested to discontinue our adoption process. Tears came to my eyes as I realized the dream of having a little girl was once again disintegrating.  For six and half years, my family has been on a waiting list to adopt a little girl from China.  As we began to follow God’s calling to Swaziland, I knew that I would have to let go of the ...

Greg and Michelle Mullins

Answering the Call 8/13/2013

When a friend calls and asks to get together, I usually say, "Yes!" and we start making plans.  Where will we eat?  How long will we be gone?  What time do you want to meet?  What about the kids?  These are just a few of the questions.  Sometimes, God calls us.  I wish sometimes the phone would ring and it would be God.  How awesome would that be?  I have found in my case, God speaks to me in the little ways.  He may...